Recently, a called Rajawali Sipondra, a specialist team in the balsa bridge competition from Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) won the 2019 NTU bridge design competition, in Singapore.

Rajawali Sipondra is a team formed by Wirawan Logi Nurrohman and Yuan Herdianto in 2018 at the Balsa Brige Competition Civil Expo Polines Competition in 2018.

Preparation for the 2019 NTU Bridge Design Competition was prepared optimally by analyzing the TOR of last year competition. The maturation of the bridge shape was done after the first and second TORs were released. The Head of Research and Development of Rajawali Sipondra, Wirawan Logi Nurrohman led the development and research carried out since 2 months before the competition and was assisted by the Head of Rajawali Sipondra Connection and Analysis Implementation, Yuan Herdianto. The development and research process went smoothly as targeted. Many bridge models were successfully made but one bridge model was chosen that had the strongest, lightest, most efficient construction and had a good architecture.

The first team of Rajawali Sipondra who departed to the competition was Rajawali Sipondra Alpha, but shortened to Rajawali Alpha. The Rajawali Alpha team succeeded in testing the bridge, the bridge efficiency was above their target of 2000 points and the bridge was capable of more than 2200 points.The presentation went smoothly, while judges and participants gave a good appreciation. Rajawali Alpha took first place in the polytechnic category and won the most economical design category in the polytechnic category. "We are proud to be Indonesian" they said.

While the second team with personnel Yuli Kristiani and Riki Mala Sari was led by Yuli and members of Riki conduct a team called YUKI GREAT INDONESIA team. "Yuki is a combination of our names Yuli and Riki. Which means that Team Yuki is expected to be able to bring Indonesia's name to be better in the World"

They designed the bridge based on the TOR with the SAP2000 version 14 application. "After we found the best design, we tested the strength of the bridge four times. Then we made another design and tested it three times. We were using the second design. With a weight that meets the efficiency and is quite large," she said

"After that we prepare presentations and practice it with Polines lecturers. Then make a model to support our presentation. Many foreign students appreciate our model" said Yuki. Yuki's team won the 2nd place winner and the 1st most popular design winner