Polines has expanded its collaboration form by partnering with two universities from the Philippines. The first meeting of these universities happened on 18th October 2018 in Pangasinan University, Philippines. Polines, Tarlac Agricultural University (TAU) and Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) are taking part in the 3rd Batch SEA-TVET Internship Exchange Programme.

The programme aims to improve the communication skills, working ethic of students and to prepare students to face the global market by doing their internship in other countries. After working on selection procedure for students in December 2018, Polines agreed to receive two students from Tarlac Agricultural University and two students from Mariano Marcos State University. Two business majored students from Tarlac Agricultural University, Ashley Joy Saguiped and Jerrmay Bravo, arrived in Semarang on the 26th of January 2019. These two students from TAU are assigned to do their internship in Grand Candi Hotel for one month. While two students from MMSU majoring in International Service Management, Clarisse Joy Pancho and Rose-Anne Joy Simon, arrived in Semarang on the 15th February 2019. Students from MMSU will do their internship in Grand Candi Hotel for three months started from 25th February until 10th May 2019. Before starting their internship, all international students in Polines had been given Cultural Class to teach students basic communication skill in Bahasa Indonesia and to add their knowledge about Indonesian culture.

On the other hand, four business majored students from Polines departed to Tarlac, Philippines, on the 6th of February 2016 to do their internship under the supervision on Tarlac Agricultural University for one month and two other students departed to Ilacos Norte, Philippines, on the 15th February 2019 to do their internship under the supervision on Mariano Marcos State University for three months exchange programme.