Six Polines alumni received scholarships for master program at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech), Taiwan. This scholarship is a form of realization of the cooperation between Polines and Yuntech that has existed since 2014. Of the total six alumni who receive scholarships this year, four of them came from the Financial Analyst Study Program namely Marcelinus Anggun Dananto; Indah Puspita Maharani; Novinda Krisna Putri; and Esti Kusuma Astadiyani.

In addition to alumni from the Financial Analyst Study Program, there is also one alumni from the International Business Management Study Program namely Vina Aristantia and one Alumni from the Machine Production and Maintenance Engineering Study Program namely Helmy Dewanto Bryantono.

Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT sends-off the six alumni on Monday, 10 February 2020 in the AD-II 15 room, Polines Directorate Building. The event was also attended by the Vice Director for Planning and Cooperation, Drs. Budi Presetya, M.Sc. In his remarks, Ir. Supriyadi, MT hopes that the alumni participating in this program will continue to maintain the good reputation of the Polines alma mater during their master studies in Taiwan. The six alumni participating in the exchange program are scheduled to depart to Taiwan on Tuesday, 11 February 2020 while their classes/courses at Yuntech scheduled to start on 2 March 2020.

Since 2018, Yuntech has provided scholarships for Polines alumni and Polines lecturers who wish to pursue further Masters and PhD degrees. At the current moment, there are three Polines lecturers who are taking doctoral studies at Yuntech and also twelve Polines alumni who are taking the master's program. It is hoped that this scholarship program can continue and both institutions can also realize new forms of cooperation in the form of opening credit transfer programs and double degree programs.