Mechanical Engineering Students of Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) Hermansyah successfully won 2nd place in National Selection of the 13th Asean Skill Competition (ASC) 2019 in Mechanical Engineering CAD. The selection took place at Binus University on 20-22 August 2019 Jakarta and was organized by the Department of Manpower and Transmigration. National level winners will take part in a training camp for the ASC competition in Singapore in July 2020.

Asean Skill Competition (ASC) or ASEAN World Skills is a skill competition between ASEAN countries which is held once every two years on an even year. The 13th ASC in Singapore will be held on 25 to 30 July 2020. The steps to go to Singapore require a process of regional selection (selekda), national selection (seleknas) and training camps.

CAD materials for Mechanical Engineering competition with Autodesk Inventor software include session 1 Mechanical Fabrication (5 hours); session 2 Mechanical Assembly (5 hours); and session 3 Reverse Engineering (4 hours).

Dr. Ir. Suharto, M.Pd., as the accompanying lecturer said that there were 3 (three) Polines students who took part in the national selection (seleknas) in Jakarta and the one who succeeded in winning 2nd place was Hermansyah. Participation in ASC Seleknas is an important and beneficial experience for students and for Polines. The application of engineering software in the field of mechanical engineering can contribute to increasing efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and competitiveness", he said.