Grade: Bachelor of Applied Science (B.App.Sc.)

This study program equips graduates with competence as the company's financial analyst, capital market, securities, and banking. This study program purpose graduates to get of position as Middle Manager.



  1. Able to run an analysis of accounting information and financial report
  2. Able to use the financial system and technology
  3. Able to run analysis on capital market securities
  4. Able to run performance and management analysis on banking and financial entities
  5. Able to make financial analysis report


Job Opportunities

  1. Analyst
  2. Company Finance Analyst
  3. Tax Analyst
  4. Credit Analyst
  5. Wealth Manager



  1. Indonesia Stock Exchange ("Bursa Efek Indonesia, BEI")
  2. Financial Services Authority ("Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, OJK")
  3. The Indonesia Capital Market Institute (TICMI)
  4. Bank Mandiri
  5. Perusahaan Umum Jaminan Kredit Indonesia (Jamkrindo)
  6. PT Phintraco Securitas